A Community Solar Array to meet Vermonters’ Solar Demands!
Currently, there is a high demand for clean energy, such as solar power. Vermonters want to be responsible power consumers and minimize their climate impact. However, for some, having panels at home simply won’t work: the roof on the house could be slate, to which panels cannot attach, or trees may shade the best location for panels. An alternative to having panels onsite, at your home or business, is to participate in a community solar array.
Integrated Solar of Brattleboro is sponsoring a new community solar array called ISA Exit 1 Solar on 13.8 acres owned by the company. It is located on Canal Street in Brattleboro, serviced by Green Mountain Power. PLEASE NOTE: There is a 24-panel minimum to participate in this array.
When you purchase panels in a community solar array, you become a member and receive a license agreement for the Balance of the System (racking, wiring, inverters, interconnection, etc.) The license will extend for a period of 25 years, with a potential option to extend for an additional 5-year term. Membership comes with a one-time buy-in price which covers all the up-front expenses. On-going management and operating expenses are the responsibility of CCB Corporation, owned solely by Andrew Cay. A minimum of 25% of the project energy production will be retained by the project to cover these expenses.
Follow the links below for further information.
Please call us with questions or to start the process of going solar! 802-257-7493